What is a CrybabyCat?

CrybabyCat is the representation of anyone who may or may not have been called a "crybaby" by anyone at any point in their life.

This emoji (🥲) is the simplest representation of  your experience as a crybaby; a smile to just thinly veil the pain or sadness you might feel at any given time. 


Why a cat?

Because cats are cute. :)


But also because CrybabyCat is based off of a real cat, who happens to cry (not like tears in eyes because cats are physically incapable of crying), a lot. For everything. Instead of leading her caretakers to the problem she wants to outline, she will meow and cry incessantly for attention.

But who can blame her? Because honestly, same. 


CrybabyCat represents our core values: to be unabashedly emotional without shame about anything that happens, big or small. No one should be made to feel bad for being emotional. Cry about it, proudly. 🥲❤️